Anatomy Camp is an in-depth look at anatomical/kinesiological and fascial studies for aspiring or current teachers of Pilates, Yoga, Dance, Somatics and Bodywork, as well as for anyone wishing to gain a deeper understanding of the body. Each level is taught in a single weekend workshop and is layered in a way that creates accessibility for all levels of students.
Level 1 is required for anyone in the full Teacher Training Program at Pilates Education Lab. *Previous study of or certification in Anatomy/Kinesiology may exempt you from this requirement.
Level 1 Anatomy Camp
This workshop offers a “hands on” and visual experience of learning basic Anatomy specific for movers and teachers of movement. There is also detailed information, taught through the Franklin Method, on the mechanics of breathing, core engagement and the pelvic floor.
Anatomy Camp – Specific Focus
These workshops offer a deeper perspective on a specific area of Anatomical focus or pathology. They may delve into the fascial system by exploring the Anatomy Trains concepts of fascial lines and the concepts of fascial hydration and dehydration. Or they may focus on specific common areas of dysfunction.